Daily Investment and Financial Information for AAM Clients

Relevant and timely investment, financial and applied economic information

Presented below are numerous links of varying worth for your own financial edification and/or analysis.

Some of the websites are well known, others are somewhat obscure, but generally are well-written and informative.

We will regularly add to the links below as we screen them, assuming they are deemed beneficial to our quest for intelligent information for our client readers.

Consumer and Investor Activism

In an effort to provide you with useful consumer and investor activism information, presented below are a few category links of varying worth per your own interests.

Some of the websites are well known, others are somewhat obscure, but all are generally well-written and informative. 

We will regularly add to the links below as we find them, assuming they are deemed beneficial to our clients or site visitors. 

Thank you.


Air Travel: Flyers Rights

Shopping: Consumer Reports

Shopping: Greener Choices

Consumers: Consumer World

Surveillance Tech

Climate Change

Green Economics: Inside Climate News

Green Business: Mother Jones 

Political Discourse

Sane Conservative: The Bulwark

Smart Progressive: Mother Jones

Smart Progressive: TruthDig

Economic Activism

Boycotts: SoberMoney

Divestment: As You Sow

Fossil Free Funds: Fossil Free Funds

Deforestration Free Funds: Deforestration Free funds

Weapons Free Funds: Weapons Free Funds